Teeth Whitening

Tooth Whitening Is A Procedure Done To Brighten Your Teeth. Making It More White. It Is Done With A Variety Of Materials And The Activation Can Be Done Using A Special Blue Light Or A Laser.


Tooth Whitening Is A Procedure Done To Brighten Your Teeth. Making It More White. It Is Done With A Variety Of Materials And The Activation Can Be Done Using A Special Blue Light Or A Laser.

Veneers and Crowns

Crowns Are Done For Mutilated Teeth Due To Decay Which Are Either Root Canal Treated Or Not. Fractured Tooth Due To Trauma Also Can Be Crowned.

Dentures and Bridges

Bridges Are Done To Replace Missing Teeth. The Procedure Involves Grinding Away The Tooth Structure To Receive A Crown. For The Bridge, The Adjacent Tooth On Both Sides Of The Missing Space Has To Grinded.

Filling and Sealants

This is the latest, best, efficient and fixed method of replacing missing tooth/teeth. The main advantage of placing dental implant is that there is no need to grind the enamel of adjacent tooth. Implants can support crown/bridges and dentures.

Dental Implants

This is the latest, best, efficient and fixed method of replacing missing tooth/teeth. The main advantage of placing dental implant is that there is no need to grind the enamel of adjacent tooth. Implants can support crown/bridges and dentures.


Pediatric Dentistry is an age-defined specialty that provides both primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care for infants and childrens.

Root Canal Treatment

This is a completely painless procedure, that can be done in one sitting and is done to save tooth that is infected which otherwise may need to be extracted.

Teeth Cleaning

Use of laser in dentistry has become a breakthrough in surgical dental procedures because of its unique painless and non-bleeding aspects.

Oral Surgery

Use of laser in dentistry has become a breakthrough in surgical dental procedures because of its unique painless and non-bleeding aspects.